How to Deal with a person with Addictive Personality

If there is a drug addict in your family, you probably know that raising the issue of drug abuse is like playing with fireworks in a burning house. They explode more often than not.
How to deal with a person with addictive personality
What is the real reason for this?At first glance it seems that they are “simply sensitive” on the subject. But saying that they are simply sensitive does not lead to a decision. Why are they so sensitive? How can you avoid cheating in the conversation and really discuss the problem?There is a way, a way in which you can communicate openly and freely with them about drugs and behavior, and even about the possibilities of getting help for drug addiction.But for them to open, you must make some changes in the way you speak to them.
If you really want to help addictive personality, you should forget about all the problems you have, the problems caused by your behavior. It’s not about you, it’s about a drug addict, your daughter, your son, your spouse, about anything.If you want them to be strong enough to discuss the problem, you must go ahead, show strength and reject all your outrage, fear, anxiety and resentment.
Remember that an addict uses drugs due to weakness. Everyone has their own weaknesses, but the addict has a weakness precisely in those areas that can lead to drug addiction or some other addictive behavior or other possible obsession. He or she probably feels quite bad because of the whole situation, and this will not help you point out the obvious.
A person must make the addict feel that telling him the truth will not open another stream of accusations. No one wants to feel stupid, especially one who has nerves, for example, a drug addict. Make him feel completely safe to speak with you freely. You should not make them feel bad or imperfect when they open, even when they tell you something shocking. You must maintain a balance and allow the continuation of the load.
They are desperate to hold on to some self-esteem. You should let them have this if you want a meaningful dialogue.If a person can listen carefully, without panting and without showing ones incredulous surprise, and if one can make the addict realize that a person is not considered an idiot or a criminal, then it is time to discuss open options to recover from addiction.
In conclusion
Remember that you must be strong enough for both of you, to keep your character and look at the goal of a safe space in which the addict feels that you can strip his soul and move on.