Easiest Ways to Deal with Ringworm Infection

Ringworm is a skin condition and not an actual worm or parasite that feed on the skin. This infection is mainly caused during the summers when some parts of your body are not aerated, and there is sweat in some regions of your body. With the use of tight clothes, this effect is strengthened. If you do not change your clothes regularly, then this sweat leads on to fungal infection which causes itching and irritation. If not treated properly and in time, the infection spreads, and it is also contagious. Hence in the family also it can easily spread and over a period it becomes difficult to control it. Therefore it becomes imperative to cure it. One can go for some of the time-tested and side effects free home remedies also. There are some easy ways to deal with ringworm. They are:
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is well known for every sort of fungal and bacterial infection, and it is one of the best natural remedies for ringworm as well. The Aloe-Vera treats the ringworm, and it can not only cure it but it also sooth the itchiness, discomfort and the burning sensation which is caused due to the infection. In case you are not willing to or don’t have the availability of Aloe-Vera then instead of applying the gel directly, you can also use Aloe Vera ointments which are readily available in the market.
Oregano Oil: This is one of the strongest anti-fungal treatments than most of the other artificial and natural products which are available. This can treat the infection by inhibiting the growth of the fungus, and this includes athlete’s foot and ringworm. Oregano oil can be bought from stores or purchased online. All you have to do is mix it rightly with a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and apply it on the infection at least three times a day.
Lemongrass Oil: The extract obtained from lemon grass can possess best anti-fungal properties which can be used to treat skin infections like ringworm. The lemongrass tea can also be used for the same purpose. In case of oil, you have to mix it with a carrier oil like the coconut oil and apply it twice a day. In case of tree bags, you can directly use brewed tea bags on the infected area.
Licorice: Extracts of licorice can be used as a natural remedy for antifungal infections since it contains high anti-microbial properties. You have to mix around eight teaspoons of the licorice powder into a cup of water and let it boil and simmer for a few minutes till the solution turns into a kind of paste. When this paste cools down, apply it in the infection and let it dry for ten to fifteen minutes.
Ointments: If you don’t have the time or resource to make yourself a home remedy then go for antifungal ointments which consist of ingredients like clotrimazole and terbinafine. These ointments must be applied twice a day, and this takes care of mild cases of ringworm.
Source: ehomeremedieshub.com